One time, in the afternoon at an office location in Jakarta. I was chatting with a friend's office. A week already I was in office to implement the Job Training . The office's old, and the conversation is more properly regarded as the father-and-talks children.
While spending stems Malboro red, I listened to his stories about his experiences. Began working in oil companies, life assurance, manufacturing, until Minning. From state A through I. From the corner of Kalimantan to Jakarta. From the regular staff to managers. It was his rich experience.
He then asked me, "Mas no idea what Megan was done after graduation?" Then I replied with mantab, "It is sir, I want nglanjutin S2 class, if you can still go abroad and it's free
Hearing my answer, then he continued. According to him, we should find the experience as much as possible. Because later on in the world of work, experience more role than the title of our clothing. That experience of course we get for our work and meet many people. So he gives tips, to always explore the science of the people who've experienced.
We need not be ashamed to ask people who are already experienced. According to him, the knowledge possessed by people who are intelligent and experienced, should be transferred in a 'no charge' or free to anyone in need. Although of course there are some people who believe that science is expensive, because they get the science after school and get a degree, require a lot of money and sacrifice.
Hear his advice, I was more interested in exploring his experience. Then I was asked the question, "Sir, as you here long? Koq I noticed many people who have long and comfortable for years in this company? not move, eg in companies whose salary search more big? "
Then he replied that his age, I do not know whether he had a grandson, active work is not on the basis of ambition again. But on the basis of self-satisfaction. He told me that he had never served as a manager with the income fluttering. But because he does not get satisfaction, he would prefer to move.
According to him, we should be happy in doing something, including in employment. So we get satisfaction in work. As the young people we are still ambitious, want to have a huge income, luxury cars, luxury homes, it is fair. But someday you will come to a point where you feel ambition is no longer important. You will be settled and comfortable degan existing conditions, even though it conflicts with your ambitions. "Please prove Mas Megan, I am saying is iying or not".
Discussion evening was quite open my insights about the world of work. These three months will I use to dig more and more knowledge of these experienced people. I will always remember his words, and someday I'll prove that.
Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
Bahasa Inggris I
Nama : Bustanul Maulana
Kelas : 3 EB03
NPM : 21208530
1. Sebutkan nama – nama peralatan yang ada di kantor (English) (minimal 30)
1. Kursi = chair
2. Meja Tulis = desk
3. Pendingin Ruangan = AC (Air Conditioner)
4. Komputer = Computer
5. Printer = Printer
6. Mesin fotocopi = Fotocopy machine
7. Pensil = Pencil
8. Pulpen = Pen
9. Penjepit Kertas = Paper Clip
10. Mesin Fax = Faximile
11. Telpon = Telephone
12. Kertas = Paper
13. Lemari = Cupboard
14. Penghapus = Eraser
15. Spidol = Marker
16. Penggaris = Ruler
17. Gunting = Cut
18. Tanda pengenal = Name Tag
19. Proyektor = Projector
20. Buku Agenda = Agenda Book
21. Buku Absen = Absent Book
22. Lemari Besi = Safe box
23. Buku Catatan = Notes Book
24. Mesin Jilid = Volume machine
25. Pelubang kertas = Drilling Machine
26. Staples = Staples
27. Mesin Tik = Type Writter
28. Pemotong kertas = Paper Cutter
29. Jam dinding = Wall clock
30. Rautan = Sharpener
Treasury &
Struktur Organisasi PT Bank Mandiri (Persero)
Capital Markets
I Wayan Pugeg
Jakarta Network Management : Jakarta Manajemen Jaringan
Regional Network Management : Manajemen jaringan Regional
Electronic Banking Channels : Electronic Banking Channels
Central Operations HR : Central Operations HR
Procurement & Fixed Asset Services : Pengadaan & Jasa Aktiva Tetap
Asset Management IT : Manajemen Aset TI
Strategy & Performance Management : Strategi & Manajemen Kinerja
Accounting Commercial Banking : Akuntansi Perbankan Komersial
Consumer Card Product Mgmt & Sales : Konsumen Produk Kartu Mgmt & Penjualan
Consumer Liabilities & Other Product Mgm’t : Konsumen Kewajiban & Mgm't Produk Lainnya
Corporate Relationship Mgt : Hubungan Perusahaan MGT
Government Relationship Mgt : Hubungan pemerintah MGT
Financial Inst & Overseas Network Mgt : Keuangan Inst & MGT Jaringan Luar Negeri
Treasury Management : Treasury Management
Corporate Product Mgt : Perusahaan Produk MGT
Mass Market Loan : Mass Market PinjamanOm:::::::ar :S. Anwar :;;
Market Risk :Resiko pasar
Portfolio & Operational Risk Mgmt : Portofolio & Mgmt Risiko Operasional
Corp.Credit Risk Mgmt : Risiko Corp.Credit Mgmt
Credit Recovery : Kredit Pemulihan
Retail.Credit Risk Approval : Risiko Retail.Credit Persetujuan
Nama : Bustanul Maulana
Kelas : 3 EB03
NPM : 21208530
1. Sebutkan nama – nama peralatan yang ada di kantor (English) (minimal 30)
1. Kursi = chair
2. Meja Tulis = desk
3. Pendingin Ruangan = AC (Air Conditioner)
4. Komputer = Computer
5. Printer = Printer
6. Mesin fotocopi = Fotocopy machine
7. Pensil = Pencil
8. Pulpen = Pen
9. Penjepit Kertas = Paper Clip
10. Mesin Fax = Faximile
11. Telpon = Telephone
12. Kertas = Paper
13. Lemari = Cupboard
14. Penghapus = Eraser
15. Spidol = Marker
16. Penggaris = Ruler
17. Gunting = Cut
18. Tanda pengenal = Name Tag
19. Proyektor = Projector
20. Buku Agenda = Agenda Book
21. Buku Absen = Absent Book
22. Lemari Besi = Safe box
23. Buku Catatan = Notes Book
24. Mesin Jilid = Volume machine
25. Pelubang kertas = Drilling Machine
26. Staples = Staples
27. Mesin Tik = Type Writter
28. Pemotong kertas = Paper Cutter
29. Jam dinding = Wall clock
30. Rautan = Sharpener
Treasury &
Struktur Organisasi PT Bank Mandiri (Persero)
Capital Markets
I Wayan Pugeg
Jakarta Network Management : Jakarta Manajemen Jaringan
Regional Network Management : Manajemen jaringan Regional
Electronic Banking Channels : Electronic Banking Channels
Central Operations HR : Central Operations HR
Procurement & Fixed Asset Services : Pengadaan & Jasa Aktiva Tetap
Asset Management IT : Manajemen Aset TI
Strategy & Performance Management : Strategi & Manajemen Kinerja
Accounting Commercial Banking : Akuntansi Perbankan Komersial
Consumer Card Product Mgmt & Sales : Konsumen Produk Kartu Mgmt & Penjualan
Consumer Liabilities & Other Product Mgm’t : Konsumen Kewajiban & Mgm't Produk Lainnya
Corporate Relationship Mgt : Hubungan Perusahaan MGT
Government Relationship Mgt : Hubungan pemerintah MGT
Financial Inst & Overseas Network Mgt : Keuangan Inst & MGT Jaringan Luar Negeri
Treasury Management : Treasury Management
Corporate Product Mgt : Perusahaan Produk MGT
Mass Market Loan : Mass Market PinjamanOm:::::::ar :S. Anwar :;;
Market Risk :Resiko pasar
Portfolio & Operational Risk Mgmt : Portofolio & Mgmt Risiko Operasional
Corp.Credit Risk Mgmt : Risiko Corp.Credit Mgmt
Credit Recovery : Kredit Pemulihan
Retail.Credit Risk Approval : Risiko Retail.Credit Persetujuan
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